Baby shower games: 4 fun & exciting party games for your baby shower

The best baby shower activities

Baby showers originated as an Anglo-American tradition, and they are becoming ever more popular in this country too. The focus is on the mother-to-be, and the surprise party is usually thrown by her family and friends in the last trimester of pregnancy. Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are served, the venue is decorated in pink or baby blue, and fun baby shower activities are organised.

Are you looking for a fun, entertaining baby shower game? On the following pages you will find some fun baby shower activities that will ensure the mother-to-be and all the guests have a great time. You can choose to organise one or several activities. Base your choice on the mother-to-be's preferences, and include the other guests in the preparations. In no time at all, you'll have prepared some baby shower activities that will be fun for everyone.

Baby Categories

Baby shower game, Baby Categories

What you'll need for the game:

  • Paper
  • Pens
  • Egg timer or stopwatch

Here's how to play:

One of the most popular baby shower games is Baby - Categories, which is based on the classic popular game. On each sheet of paper, draw several columns and rows, and fill in the first row with titles such as "Baby name", "Child equipment" or "Jobs with children" and so on. You can prepare the sheets on the computer beforehand, so you have less to write out by hand. The mother-to-be can also participate in this game. The players must, in the allotted time, fill in each column with a word starting with the afore-decided letter, for example with the letter P - Paul, Pushchair, Paediatrician. The scoring system works in the same way as the traditional game. One advantage of this game is that the mother-to-be can pick up some ideas for baby names at the same time.

Baby Bingo

Baby shower game, Baby Bingo

What you'll need:

  • Paper
  • A pen
  • Stamps and ink pads

Here's how to play:

This game can be played throughout the entire baby shower. For each guest, prepare a card with a grid. In each square write different words, for example "maternity record", "dummy chain", "baby bottle" or "milk teeth". Write the word "Baby" in the middle square of each card, so each guest has the same starting point. Place the stamps and ink pads on the table within reach. When a player hears a word come up that is on their card, they can stamp it. Once a player has a completed horizontal, diagonal or vertical line, they can shout out "Baby Bingo!" and win the game. The game means the players have to pay close attention to the words they use.

Baby photo quiz

Baby shower game, Baby photo quiz

Here's what you'll need:

  • Baby or childhood photos of the guests
  • A pinboard

Here's how to play:

Ask each guest to bring along a baby or childhood photo of themselves. Make sure you also have one from the mother- and father-to-be. Pin these up in the middle of the pinboard. Check beforehand if it's ok to put a pin in the pictures; otherwise make a photocopy. Collect all the photos, mix them up and give them to the mother. She now has to decide which photo belongs to which guest. Tip: Baby photos are more difficult to identify, and are therefore even more fun for the guests. Another option is to print out pictures of baby animals, and the guests can try to find the correct animal name, for example 'Calf' for 'Elephant', or 'Foals' for 'Horses'.

Blind baby food tasting

Baby shower game, Blind baby food tasting

Here's what you'll need:

  • Jars of baby food
  • Spoons
  • Pens and paper

Here how to play:

This classic game, popular both in the English-speaking world and in this country, requires very little preparation time. Buy different flavours of baby food in jars. Remove the labels and use different-coloured pens to mark the jars, so that you can recognise the different flavours yourself. Give each guest and the mum-to-be a spoon for tasting. The players must them use their senses to identify the food flavour and write it down. The player with the most correct answers wins. Tip: Make sure to ask all the baby shower guests beforehand if they have any special dietary allergies or intolerances!

Baby shower games are great fun

Baby shower games are always a sure bet. They make everyone laugh and get the mother-to-be excited to meet her baby. You'll find all you need for these baby shower games on our website. As well as ideas for activities, you'll find delicious recipes, invitation cards, decorations and much more. Our dummy chains are particularly popular and make a wonderful gift. Put together your own gift basket or diaper cake for the baby shower. You're sure to find the perfect thing thanks to our large, high quality selection!