Crafting gifts for a birth: make your own DIY baby gifts & birth gifts

crafting ideas for birth gifts

Gifts for a baby's birth – make them yourself to share your joy

There are not many events in life that are truly unique and unforgettable experiences. A birth is undoubtedly one of them. When a new-born sees the light of day for the very first time, it is as if the earth stands still for a glimpse. This moment almost enchants the whole world, making it hard to put it into words.

To live up to this miracle, many people are looking for a gift that stands out from the crowd and conveys the joy that everyone feels when a baby is born. Buying ready-made gifts is one option. Making presents for the birth yourself is another, and this possibility enables you to show just how happy you are and how much you want to spread the feeling of joy regarding the birth.

All you need for making a DIY gift is just a little time, some skill and of course the appropriate craft materials. The most popular baby gifts are classics, such as a pacifier chain, a grasping ring or a pram chain. Use many different beads to repeatedly create unique pieces with personal touch – that stand out from the crowd.

Crafting ideas for birth gifts

First of all, take a look at the wonderful variety of different handicraft materials. For designing your present, you can choose from various wooden beads, motif beads, letter cubes, lens beads and bells. Let yourself be inspired a little before starting.

If you want to do it the classic way, you can choose the shades of pink or red for girls and blue shades for boys. Or you can create something more colourful. Do whatever you like.

If the child's name is not yet known, you can still use letter cubes. Instead of the name, synonyms such as "angel" or "sunshine" are very popular. To make these classic gifts, you will also need thread, needle, scissors and a lighter.

The beads and cords we're offering are harmless and suitable for babies. The high-quality materials are precisely chosen for your demands and requirements.

A dummy chain as a birth present

make a dummy chain with name as a birth present

The dummy chain will become a constant companion in everyday life, because it ensures that the dummy does not accidentally get lost or fall on the floor. When making your own dummy chain, make sure that the chain does not exceed 22 cm in length. Only the fastening clip may be added additionally.

Now choose your desired handicraft materials. Combining lens beads with wooden round beads as well as motif beads is very popular. Of course, it's completely up to you how you ultimately design your dummy chain is ultimately designed. Furthermore, you always need a safety bead and a fastening clip. You need it for attaching the dummy chain to the child's clothes. First of all, you should plan the arrangement of the dummy chain's beads. Try out different designs until you're happy. Then you just have to string the dummy chain's beads and voilà: you are holding your first self-made birth present in your hands. Find detailed instructions here:


Pacifier Chain

A grasping ring as a birth present

making a grasping ring with name as a birth gift

One of the first toys in a baby's young life is the grasping ring. That is why grasping rings are still very popular and in demand as birth gifts. As soon as the baby can grasp something with its tiny hands, it is thrilled. It is therefore important that you use as many different elements as possible when making your grasping ring, so that your little sunshine can feel and grasp different things. Use beads in various sizes, lentil beads, motif beads and of course a little bell. In addition, you will need a wooden half ring for making the grasping ring. Moreover, don't forget getting letter cubes to integrate the baby's name. If it is a very long name, you will have to use less beads.

With all those various handicraft materials you can make all kinds of different grasping rings yourself. Even inexperienced tinkerers are welcome to try making them – by using these detailed handicraft instructions:


Grasping Ring

A pram chain as a birth present

buggy chain with name as birth gift

Making this gift is a little more demanding, although the procedure is identical. For making a pram chain you will need considerably more beads and elements compared to a dummy chain or a grasping ring, as the chain will be comparatively longer. The work is worth it as it will look stunning and is in any case unique.

Use various motif beads, lens beads, wooden beads, bells and wooden rings in different sizes for making your pram chain. In addition, use two clips, because both chain ends will be attached to the pram's hood.

Of course the letter cubes are not to be missed – because after all, it should be a personalised birth present.

First of all, lay out the individual craft materials for the pram chain clearly and measure the length. A pram chain's maximum length is 38 cm without the clips. It is of course better if you have the opportunity of finding out the necessary width by measuring the pram's hood. Find a detailed description here:


Pram Chain

Create your own nappy cakes

Create your own nappy cakes

Birth gifts can be small or large. Nappy cakes have also become very popular. That's not a weird delicacy, but a really beautifully designed baby gift. For making it, you need about 40 nappies in different sizes. Size-3 nappies have proven to be the most popular ones. You simply roll up each nappy into a roll and fix it with a rubber band. Place the first nappy rolls on a large paper plate or, if you prefer, on a real cake plate. Start in the middle and add more rolls in circular rows until the plate is covered. Use a wide ribbon to fix and stabilise your cake's first layer. Lay a cloth on top and continue with the second layer.

You can place a feeding bottle in the middle and drape the other nappies around it. There are no limits to your imagination. At the end, you can beautifully decorate your nappy cake with other gifts. For instance, you can attach a dummy chain to it or place a grasping ring on top of it. You can also make the nappy cakes smaller and only make one layer. That's entirely up to you. By the way, these kind of cakes are very popular at baby parties. That kind of party is held in honour of the expectant mother and is celebrated before the birth. On such occasions, gift personalisations are usually only possible by using synonyms instead of the baby's name.

Personalise scarves and blankets

Other birth gift ideas are personalised blankets and scarves. You have many great options. Adding the date of birth as well as the baby's name to a blanket or soft pillow is a lovely surprise. Cloths of different shapes are used a lot in the child's first months of life. For this reason, these useful things can also be personalised without any problems. Sewing or embroidery gives useful baby accessories a special touch. Combine different ideas for a birth gift. How about filling a gift basket with a dummy chain, a grasping ring, a dummy and a cuddly blanket? These birth gifts are not only useful but the baby will certainly enjoy them.